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61 629
Class. top : 2.86%

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    A few words about me...

    I'm Santa Claus and Ancient. Born around 0 before and after our time. Only the one who makes me win will also receive beautiful and expensive gifts in 2023 and every subsequent year in 2024, 2025 etc. also pp. If you don't let me win, I'll pull the rod out of the bag. If you can't write a nice Christmas poem, well, then I'll let the rod dance. . . you don't want to experience it. So send me some nice Christmas poems and let me win. . .

    Santa Claus Babo Santa!

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    • Member since : 26-05-2023

    • Comment(s) : 244

    • Games played : 92
    • Games played (since v5) : 2716

    • Number of stars : 207

    • Avg Max Score % : 85.43%

    • In high score lists : 0
    • Is in the favorites of 13 player(s)

    • Tournament participation : 49
    • Tournaments won : 0
    • Tournaments in the top 10 : 10
    • Tournaments in the top 20 : 45
    • Tournaments in the top 50 : 49
    • Tournaments in the top 100 : 49
    • GeoPoints : 13325
    • Honor Roll Ranking : 19


    • 4
    • 17
    • 22
    • 20
      Theme Name Best scores Date Top
    1 World Cities of the World 189125 2023-10-14 10% 15th / 165
    2 USA U.S. Cities 99221 2023-10-06 10% 13th / 144
    3 USA U.S. Cities - junior 99806 2023-09-01 10% 12th / 120
    4 Europa Cities of Germany 114149 2023-12-13 10% 7th / 98
    5 Europa Cities of Europe 99783 2024-03-29 20% 32th / 169
    6 Europa Cities of Europe Junior 100217 2023-11-23 20% 29th / 148
    7 World Cities of Mediterranean Sea 103712 2023-11-03 20% 17th / 97
    8 America Countries of Central America 160997 2024-06-21 20% 16th / 109
    9 Oceania Countries of Oceania 155777 2024-06-15 20% 19th / 122
    10 America Countries of South America 114623 2023-09-22 20% 27th / 150
    11 Canada Cities of Canada - junior 95206 2024-06-07 20% 16th / 94
    12 USA States Flags 22694 2024-01-12 20% 15th / 96
    13 Europa Länder of Germany 145402 2023-10-26 20% 20th / 114
    14 World Cities of Asia 109716 2024-01-19 20% 12th / 102
    15 World Cities of Africa 137430 2023-08-25 20% 13th / 113
    16 America Cities of Central America 110027 2023-11-11 20% 9th / 87
    17 Oceania Cities of Australia - Junior 122468 2024-03-01 20% 20th / 104
    18 Europa Physical Geography of Europe 94644 2024-05-31 20% 22th / 126
    19 World Cities of India 113255 2024-05-24 20% 14th / 72
    20 UK London Boroughs 161562 2024-04-13 20% 17th / 86
    21 Canada Provinces of Canada 141788 2024-05-04 20% 29th / 159
    22 Europa Cities of Spain 109341 2024-03-15 30% 24th / 99
    23 World Physical Geography of the World 150500 2024-06-11 30% 36th / 127
    24 World Countries of Africa 182175 2023-09-15 30% 31th / 145
    25 World Cities of the World Junior 190887 2023-06-17 30% 30th / 140
    26 Canada Cities of Canada 89181 2024-05-02 30% 21th / 94
    27 Canada Cities of Canada - Expert 72831 2024-04-27 30% 22th / 79
    28 World Cities of Tunisia 68980 2024-01-06 30% 16th / 68
    29 Europa Capitals and Flags of Europe 37248 2024-07-05 30% 42th / 174
    30 Europa Countries of E.U 159418 2023-12-08 30% 42th / 170
    31 USA Quiz : U.S. States 22981 2023-10-13 30% 35th / 122
    32 USA Physical Geography of the U.S.A. - Junior 207170 2023-10-20 30% 25th / 122
    33 World Cities of Middle East 120468 2023-11-03 30% 29th / 107
    34 USA Counties of California 100000 2023-09-29 30% 18th / 73
    35 Oceania Cities of New Zealand 67112 2023-10-07 30% 18th / 66
    36 USA U.S. Cities - Expert 95209 2024-07-12 30% 26th / 119
    37 UK Regions of Scotland 140377 2024-06-28 30% 29th / 113
    38 World Provinces of China 155785 2024-06-15 30% 26th / 93
    39 World Cities of Japan - Expert 104284 2024-06-22 30% 19th / 66
    40 Europa Cities of Europe Expert 98413 2024-04-01 30% 32th / 142
    41 Canada Physical Geography of Canada - Expert 150759 2024-02-16 30% 22th / 87
    42 Europa Cities of Scandinavia 105563 2023-12-01 30% 27th / 105
    43 Europa Cities of Portugal 113767 2024-02-09 30% 19th / 92
    44 UK Cities of U.K. - junior 111271 2024-03-16 40% 35th / 110
    45 Europa Regions of Italy 147596 2024-06-01 40% 38th / 112
    46 Europa Aut. Communities of Spain 143051 2024-05-25 40% 44th / 122
    47 USA Neighborhoods of Manhattan 141803 2024-04-19 40% 34th / 87
    48 UK Cities of U.K. - Expert 82935 2024-03-23 40% 32th / 89
    49 World Countries of Asia 164166 2023-10-21 40% 48th / 124
    50 World Countries of Middle East 152966 2023-10-30 40% 51th / 143
    51 World Cities of Algeria 59129 2024-01-10 40% 26th / 67
    52 World Cities of Morocco 95166 2024-01-20 40% 27th / 89
    53 World Antartica 213309 2024-05-17 40% 36th / 101
    54 America Cities of South America 130198 2023-11-18 40% 31th / 101
    55 World Capitals of the World - Expert 43319 2024-02-22 40% 32th / 101
    56 Oceania Cities of Australia 86386 2024-06-14 40% 32th / 83
    57 World Cities of India - Expert 65652 2024-07-06 40% 21th / 66
    58 UK Counties of England 224776 2023-11-10 40% 35th / 108
    59 World Cities of the World Expert 180586 2023-06-17 40% 37th / 121
    60 World Cities of China - Expert 93390 2024-06-08 40% 25th / 71
    61 World Prefectures of Japan 151653 2024-06-29 40% 26th / 82
    62 Canada Provinces & Main Cities of Canada 220404 2024-05-11 40% 41th / 132
    63 World Countries of the Northern Hemisphere 150014 2024-01-26 40% 34th / 108
    64 World Flags of the World 42777 2023-11-19 50% 77th / 158
    65 USA U.S. States 166326 2023-11-22 50% 72th / 176
    66 Europa Cities of Italy 99994 2023-12-16 50% 48th / 99
    67 World Physical Geography of the World Junior 160000 2023-11-17 50% 48th / 115
    68 Europa Countries of Europe 171375 2023-08-31 50% 90th / 197
    69 Canada Physical Geography of Canada 141540 2024-02-17 50% 44th / 104
    70 USA What is this state ? 21014 2023-09-08 50% 71th / 155
    71 USA Physical Geography of the U.S.A. 164410 2023-10-20 50% 47th / 94
    72 Oceania Cities of New Zealand - Junior 55510 2024-03-24 50% 31th / 70
    73 World Federal Districts of Russia 104198 2023-08-18 50% 28th / 62
    74 World Cities of China 99986 2024-04-27 50% 32th / 73
    75 World States of India 191433 2024-07-12 50% 44th / 91
    76 World Capitals of the World 38237 2023-10-15 60% 83th / 141
    77 UK Cities of U.K. 90105 2023-08-31 60% 61th / 109
    78 USA Physical Geography of the U.S.A. - EXPERT 57651 2023-10-20 70% 45th / 74
    79 World Flags of the World - Expert 39650 2023-11-11 70% 68th / 111
    80 USA Cities of California 53400 2024-06-17 70% 53th / 87
    81 Europa Cities of France - Expert 60544 2024-05-15 70% 62th / 96
    82 World Cities of Japan 83708 2024-02-03 70% 46th / 72
    83 Europa Rivers of Europe 95931 2023-10-15 80% 73th / 95
    84 USA Counties of New York 6000 2024-06-18 80% 51th / 65
    85 USA Cities of New York 67614 2024-02-05 80% 59th / 82
    86 USA Cities of Florida 54770 2024-06-18 80% 51th / 72
    87 Europa Cities of France 82471 2023-12-06 80% 102th / 142
    88 World Cities of Russia 71883 2023-08-19 80% 55th / 76
    89 USA Rivers of the U.S.A. 27000 2023-10-21 90% 88th / 101
    90 World The Arctic 24500 2024-01-16 90% 79th / 89
    91 USA Cities of Texas 12715 2024-06-18 100% 76th / 82